10 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 06/11/2003 - 3:54pm. Tragic
"I'm going to get one of those new keyboard powered vacuum cleaners
for him."
"I'm sure it will be the best father's day ever, then."
--A terribly earnest guy, and a terribly sarcastic girl, at Berkeley Bowl.
9 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 06/10/2003 - 4:20pm. Funny
"I remember last summer. 'How was class? I'm calling you from the tanning salon, I mean the pool.'"
"You'd think there'd only be so much joy that someone could take out of the fact that you're in summer school and they're not, but if 'someone' is Brandy, you'd have thought wrong."
--Two girls talking at Cafe Strada

No, I haven't forgotten I have a website. Yes, my net connection at home still isn't hooked up yet. Yes, you are all wonderful and patient and I hope to have new exciting content soon. (See, when I'm not spending my evenings unpacking I can, like, go out and overhear people.)
3 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 06/04/2003 - 11:42am. Funny
"Yeah, but my sister got suspeneded for refusing to turn hers off in class. She's such a ghetto baby already."
"Ok, that's annoying, but suspended? That's hella harsh. I got my cell when I was 16 and I talked all the time in high school."
"They've got a no phone rule. Makes sense. I thought it was kinda funny."
"She could've had an important call, or something."
"Pssh. Have you met Alicia? She's eight."
--Two girls talking outside Pegasus Books.

2 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 06/03/2003 - 12:59pm. Funny
"It's the part where he's a nine year old boy that I can't relate to, because I've never been a nine year old boy. I've been a fifteen year old boy, but that was just in a play, not even in a movie, and I can't see how that would help me relate, but she seems to think that that's the key. Communication through being able to relate or something."
--A woman talking on a cell phone outside Peet's Coffee
1 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Mon, 06/02/2003 - 10:23am. Beautiful
"There are so many people working on solving small problems. I figure if we all worked together to solve a big one, the little ones would just fall into place."
"And I still think it's ridiculous."
"I'm not talking about defeating entropy, I'm talking about making it our bitch."
--Two guys in line for Invertigo at Great America

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I've been netless chez moi.
29 May 2003
Submitted by eve on Fri, 05/30/2003 - 10:18am. Funny
"Oh, University Ave/East Palo Alto. I thought you said 'University of East Palo Alto.'"
"It's not unreasonable. And I can hardly hear you, so I'm gonna go... Look, would you stop it? I wasn't insulting anyone. You were laughing, you apologize to East Palo Alto."
--A guy talking on a cell phone at a gas station near the Dumbarton Bridge
28 May 2003
Submitted by eve on Thu, 05/29/2003 - 6:56am. Funny
"I've never heard someone blast Dave Matthews before."
"If it's got bass, you can thump it."
"Is that subwoofer action I detect?"
--Two guys at a gas station, gesturing to a car in the next stall, which was playing "Crash" loudly.
26 May 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 05/27/2003 - 7:15am. Funny
"Did he just tell her, 'Too bad about Iraq, but at least you got a boyfriend out of it all?' Did he?"
--An incredulous girl, talking to a guy outside Saul's Deli
22 May 2003
Submitted by eve on Fri, 05/23/2003 - 7:54am. Funny
"Happy graduation!"
"Is this a joke? I don't get it."
"They were out of flowers at Safeway. Happy graduation!"
--A guy holding a beautifully wrapped bouquet of broccoli, and the girl he presented it to, at the Greek Theatre.
20 May 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 05/21/2003 - 2:37am. Tragic
The following quote contains a major spoiler for the finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Read on at your own surprise-spoiling risk. It's in white-on-white text, so you'll have to use your mouse and highlight it to read it.

"How can this even be fair? Is there no justice in the world? I loved the X-files, but I love Buffy more. How can a show called 'Roswell' be going on when Buffy is canceled and Spike is dead? Dead!"
"One, this commercial is old, Roswell was cancelled last season. Two, Buffy wasn't cancelled, SMG quit. Three... do I need to go on?"
"Yeah. Say it."
"Three, Spike was already dead."
"Fuck you and your 'logic.' I'm in pain, here."
--A girl and a guy at the Parkway Theatre's showing of Buffy's series finale, and subsequent rerun showing of the Buffy musical, during a rerun Roswell commercial.