15 July 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 07/15/2003 - 2:12pm. Funny
"Where's the 'w' in it, then?"
"I'm thinking you should re-think applying."
--A woman and a man, apparently filling out a form of some sort, in line at Peet's coffee.
13 July 2003
Submitted by eve on Mon, 07/14/2003 - 10:43am. Funny
"It's 'nett' not 'dit'. 'Pundit squares' sounds like a tic-tac-toe gameshow from hell."
"Or a slimy breakfast cereal."
--A guy and a girl outside Andronico's.
9 July 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 07/09/2003 - 11:36pm. Funny
"Sequins and linen should have really remained a forbidden union."
--A girl talking to another girl at Nordstrom
6 July 2003
Submitted by eve on Mon, 07/07/2003 - 11:39am. Funny
"I have to pack. I'll get to Minnesota and have nothing to wear."
"They will have clothes there, you know. It's just whether you spend time packing here, or shopping for new clothes there. It's probably more efficient to buy them there, given the money you'd spend on doing laundry tonight."
--Two girls at Peet's coffee

I know the cost of living in the Bay Area is higher than average, but can you really buy an entire wardrobe for a roll of quarters in the midwest? I mean, even at Goodwill, jeans are $5...
1 July 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 07/02/2003 - 11:49am. Funny
"It's like Hamlet, only less complicated."
"And in Bakersfield."
--A girl and a guy talking near Berkeley Bowl
29 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Mon, 06/30/2003 - 12:48pm. Funny
"Well, the internet was designed to survive a nuclear attack through redundancy."
"Waaaaiiiit just one minute. Are you trying to tell me that we could lose the entire Eastern seaboard... and I could still look for pictures of Mandy Moore? Yes, thank you, I knew that."
--A serious guy, and a mock-movie-drama-serious guy, at Fuddruckers.
25 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 06/25/2003 - 6:51pm. Funny
"So wait, if he didn't remind you so much of an Oompa-Loompa, it would be ok with you that she's practically being forced to date him?"
--A girl talking on a cell phone in Target
22 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Sun, 06/22/2003 - 11:10pm. Funny
"It says, 'Apply rhinestones while polish is still tacky.'"
"Great, that's fantastic, that means you can apply them any time you want. C'mon, let's go."
--Two girls talking in front of a nail polish display at Walgreens
18 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Thu, 06/19/2003 - 3:45pm. Funny
"I always said that'd be the hardest thing to use as a weapon. I figured you'd have to smother someone with cotton candy before it really became a hazard."
"A ton of cotton candy weighs as much as a ton of lead, you know. Drop it on 'em."
"Up in the air, it's a big pink bird, it's a big pink plane, no, it's a big pink cloud of cotton candy that falls gently and slowly around you. Nope, smothering or cholking's the only way it's dangerous."
--Two guys talking on Shattuck

Have I apologized lately for the lack of updates? Having no net at home is lousy, and my patience with "technical difficulties" on the behalf of our DSL provider is pretty much gone. Don't give up on In Passing, it's not dying, it's just that I don't have many opportunities to feed it lately.
12 June 2003
Submitted by eve on Fri, 06/13/2003 - 1:12pm. Funny
"And Queen says, 'We are the champions,' but that doesn't mean the band is called 'The Champions.' It's just a lyric in the song."
"Fine, point made. Oh, hey. Can I borrow the new Radiohead?"
"Sure, do you want the actual album or the pre-release?"
"I thought it wasn't so much a 'pre-release' so much as... well, I think it was only 'released' in the 'Free Willy' sense."
--A guy and a girl talking at Amoeba Records.