14 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 04/15/2003 - 2:34am. Funny
"We're not 'just like' your teacher. Think of us as more like your friends."
"Yeah, you know we're students. We have homework too, in college."
"Yeah, right. It's not as hard as mine."
--Two college-age girls, and a 8 or 9 year old boy, on the bus.
13 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Mon, 04/14/2003 - 1:03am. Tragic
"I've applied to, like, a hundred jobs. I've written twenty cover letters, and I'm just recycling them at this point."
"Well, that's a career for you, in and of itself."
"Cover letter writing?"
"No. Recycling."
--A girl and a guy at Triple Rock.
11 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Sat, 04/12/2003 - 11:21am. Tragic
"I wish this store was in San Francisco. You get such better tips in rich areas. Rich people are the real tippers."
--The guy behind the counter at Tully's (in Berkeley) to the girl working the espresso machine after I'd tipped him the change from my purchase.
This is what I get for being in too much of a hurry to catch the bus to walk the three blocks to Yali's Cafe.
10 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Thu, 04/10/2003 - 10:54pm. Um...
"Pumpkin? What color is a lipstick called 'pumpkin' supposed to be? That doesn't tell me at all."
"Uh, orange, like Halloween?"
"Oh. *opens lipstick, looks at it* I was thinking like, 'Ohhh my wittle pumpkin.'"
--Two teenage girls in the cosmetics department at Long's
8 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 04/09/2003 - 12:32am. Funny
"That reminded me of August. He's a screenwriter, you know."
"Oh, does he do, like, major stuff?"
"No. Everybody's a screenwriter, you know."
--Two women talking in line for the bathroom at the Parkway Theatre after a showing of Adaptation.
7 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 04/08/2003 - 4:08pm. Wisdom
"And he'd be right."
"No, he's a bastard."
"That doesn't mean he can't be right."
"Yes it does."
"No, just because he's a bastard doesn't mean that 1+2 doesn't equal 3 when he says it."
--A girl and a guy talking in the checkout line at Andronico's.
6 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Sun, 04/06/2003 - 10:24pm. Um...
"I'm such a better snowboarder now that I'm single."
"That's usually the way it goes."
--Two girls about 14 years old standing outside the Timber Creek Lodge at Kirkwood.
3 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Fri, 04/04/2003 - 8:33am. Funny
"That's what I like about him. He hates everybody. Old people, young people, black, white, pretty women, ugly women, men dressed as women, he's mean to them all."
--A passenger talking to the driver on the bus.
2 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Thu, 04/03/2003 - 12:17am. Funny
"It's just common sense. They teach classes in voodoo, they wouldn't bother unless it was the real deal, ya know?"
--One man to another outside Mondo Gelato
1 April 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 04/02/2003 - 1:59am. Funny
"You get a magazine about gardening? What, are there trends and runways like fashion? Celebrity watering tips?"
--One woman to another at Berkeley Bowl