Construction Guys Have Too Much Time On Their Hands
Submitted by Apple on Mon, 10/27/2003 - 6:59pm. Graffiti
Seen from the cab of Mr Man's semi as we drove down I-69 in OK:
It was written in the tar that they use to fix the cracks in the road, each just a few seconds further down the road. I knew they weren't really working!
Submitted by Obsidiana on Mon, 10/27/2003 - 9:47am. Graffiti

-written on a table in Yokum Lecture Hall at PSU

Amen to that...
26 October 2003
Submitted by eve on Sun, 10/26/2003 - 8:49pm. Graffiti
"Gina is a dum ho."
"The defense rests, your honor."
--Written on the wall of a construction site near Lexington & 59th.
Haha...stupid boys and girls
Submitted by gabby5155 on Sun, 10/12/2003 - 2:49pm. Graffiti
Seen: A green jeep grand cherokee near my apartment parking lot. The remarkable thing about had PIG keyed on the passenger door. I would like to meet this pig.
It's a sign
Submitted by Saint on Wed, 10/08/2003 - 10:08pm. Graffiti
WOOD FOR SALE does beavers good

--a sign by Hwy 666 (oh, excuse me, Hwy 491 now)
My girl IS that dirty
Submitted by Saint on Sat, 10/04/2003 - 10:40am. Graffiti
"I wish my girl was this dirty"

--Seen written in the dirt on the side of a car, Wal-Mart parking lot, Cortez, CO.

I almost filed this under "bizarre" because almost the exact same graffiti appears as a toss-off in a book I read a couple of years ago (I think it was Storm by Boris Starling, but I couldn't swear to it).
Look, it's funny, really, I'm not crazy
Submitted by Saint on Sat, 10/04/2003 - 9:30am. Graffiti
1st handwriting: Give piece a chance.
2nd handwriting: Can't we all just git it on?

--Seen on a bathroom wall in Wal-Mart, Cortez, CO

No one ever understands why I find this so funny. *sigh*
30 January 2003
Submitted by eve on Fri, 01/31/2003 - 10:21am. Graffiti
"Why do only work beautiful people work here?"
"Because you've had six beers."
--Written on the wall of the bathroom at Raleigh's
5 December 2002
Submitted by eve on Thu, 12/05/2002 - 10:57pm. Graffiti
"There's nothing so bad that a black cherry margerita and open toed shoes can't make better."
--Written on the counter in the bathroom at A Cuppa Tea
I'm going to stand back and admire my restraint here, for not scrawling something along the lines of "Hey, look everybody! This person's apparently found the cure for cancer!" in response.
3 December 2002
Submitted by eve on Tue, 12/03/2002 - 7:29pm. Graffiti
"You can want what you will, but you cannot will what you want."
--Written on a cabinet in the bathroom at A Cuppa Tea