10 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/11/2000 - 7:52pm. Tragic
"No, you don't understand, everybody says they were a geek in high school. But I was so horribly unpopular that after a while, it became 'untrendy' to dislike me, because everyone did."
--A girl at the next table at Cafe Strada
10 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/11/2000 - 7:52pm. Wisdom
"Yeah, when I was a kid I always looked at the guys driving the streetcars-- you know, the muni ones, and I thought that was so cool... I totally wanted to be one of them when I grew up, to be the guy who pulled the lever that opened the door.
In retrospect though, I'm glad I'm going to college."
--One 20-something guy to another, waiting to get on BART.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a tightrope walker, a princess, or an author who owned a pony farm.
Why the hell did I major in biomedical engineering? What was I thinking?
Hey, the circus is in town...
10 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 09/10/2000 - 10:43pm. Funny
"Whoa... look around. Every woman here has bruised heels, bandaged toes. They look like they've just gotten back from battle."
"Well, I mean, they're all here because of a common interest, and frankly I think it's a form of masochism."
--A man and a woman in DSW Shoe Warehouse in SF (specializing in pointy-toed, high heeled shoes.)
10 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 09/10/2000 - 10:39pm. Bizarre
"Well, since you'll be dancing with more women than I will men, it makes sense for you to smell good and learn to dance. I must admit, I'm rather jealous, though."
--A 30ish woman to her male companion, walking in Union Square
Can anyone think of a situation that would make her comment make any sort of sense?
8 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 09/08/2000 - 11:22am. Funny
"You just can't say that, it's blasphemy or something..."
"But God did layeth a smacketh down on the egyptians."
--People from two different groups, both trying to recruit passers by on Sproul plaza, getting into a bit of a debate of ideals.
7 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 09/07/2000 - 7:49pm. Graffiti
"The Grout Gatsby.""
"Frosted Flakes, they're grrrrout!"
"Twist and Grout."
"Grout, damned spot!"
"All a-grout Eve."
"The Groutsiders."
"*sigh* Writing in the cracks is so infanTILE."

--Writings on the bathroom wall of Doe Library
2 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/04/2000 - 2:04pm. Graffiti
"Drugs were easier to deal with than people are now."
"No, reality is for people who can't handle drugs."
"'We're actors, we're the opposite of people'--Tom Stoppard"

--Three entries written on the bathroom wall of Au Coquelet Cafe
31 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 09/01/2000 - 5:03pm. Funny
"You haven't kept in touch with Claudia? Oh my gawd, she totally hasn't changed a bit.
Get this: she was dating airline pilots. Not one, but TWO and they were both, like, 10 years older than her. Monday one would fly in, the other would fly out to Singapore, Wednesday the other would fly back, the first one would fly to New York, and she basically had a date every night of the week and never needed an alibi."
"Seriously. If they ever traded shifts? She'd probably call 'em by the wrong name."
--A girl talking on a cell phone
31 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 09/01/2000 - 4:56pm. Wisdom
"I don't think it's possible to trudge sexily."
--A girl speaking very seriously
...which is precisely why Victoria's Secret models are never shown backpacking. (That, and the fact that camping in lingere might be both impractical and cold.)
30 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 09/01/2000 - 4:53pm. Ironic
"I wish the humanities requirement for EECS was less."
--A guy sitting behind me in CS lecture
For those who aren't Berkeley students: EECS is Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and the humanities requirement is pretty damn low as it is, and the stereotype of folks in that major is somewhat *ahem* robotic.