Cheez-its are funny
Submitted by spyderqueen on Wed, 04/28/2004 - 1:32pm. Funny
Discussing Cheez-its with WebGuy Dave, Eric and Chris.
Dave seemed to be a little confused as to which cracker Cheez-its were.
Chris: "They're like Cheese Nips, but without the racial slur."
This then prompted Dave to add "Oh, yes, Cheez-its, Cheese Nips and the unsuccessful Cheese Chinks"

--this was a few years ago back in the college computing center.
Ad copy is so stupid
Submitted by spyderqueen on Wed, 04/28/2004 - 10:19am. Funny
Me: I'm still deeply amused by the phrase "large advertising medium."
Jessica: What, like Miss Cleo?

in regards to some Ad Copy I was reviewing.
"Yes, I live on Crack Street"
Submitted by spyderqueen on Tue, 03/02/2004 - 7:34am. Funny
"So I'm looking at the link that reads 'Street Names for Drugs of Abuse' and I think, 'why would someone name streets after drugs?' Then I realized 'Oh! STREET names'." --My friend Jessica at work
I'm so tired of anti-impotency drug commercials...
Submitted by spyderqueen on Tue, 02/24/2004 - 7:12pm. Funny
TV Commercial: "Erections lasting more than four hours, while rare, require immediate medical attention".

Mom: "That's gotta pretty embarrassing"
My Sister: "I would think so. Can you imagine going to the emergency room like that?"
Mom: "Yeah, it would be weird. It's kind of like the opposite of 'I've fallen and I can't get up'"
Sometimes I wonder if my sister's on crack or something
Submitted by spyderqueen on Fri, 02/20/2004 - 8:28am. Funny
*watching teaser for a special on the last days of Christ, because of "The Passion Of The Christ" coming out*

Sister: "Oh for godssake, he doesn't need any more attention!"
Me: *stares amusedly at her*
Sister: "Mel Gibson, not Christ"
Me: "Ah"
Sister: *snickering* "Pay no attention to the man on the cross!"
It must be a mouse in her sweater!
Submitted by spyderqueen on Tue, 02/10/2004 - 7:48am. Bizarre
"Would you just let me scratch my boobies in peace? Not everything is a toy!"
--My sister to her cat, who was far too interested in the movement under her sweater.
Once a babbling fangirl, always a babbling fangirl
Submitted by spyderqueen on Wed, 11/12/2003 - 7:27pm. Funny
"He touched me! When he passed it back, he touched me!"
"Way to be 12-years old."

--Two 40 year-old women outside a Billy Idol concert in DC
Ah, A Smartass in the making...
Submitted by spyderqueen on Sun, 11/09/2003 - 7:28pm. Funny
This was actually from a few years ago. Overheard in a shoe store.

Mother: "Now stop that, you know better than that!"
5-year-old: "No I don't, I don't know any better."
Submitted by spyderqueen on Thu, 11/06/2003 - 3:11pm. Bizarre
"How can someone not appreciate the glory that is a stuffed slug made entirely out of dryer lint?"
--This is the line that let my sister guess exactly who I was talking to...
Reality TV hits a new low
Submitted by spyderqueen on Mon, 11/03/2003 - 6:21am. Funny
This started after we watched the premiere of "Tru Calling"

Mom: "It's too much like that show about the guy who knew everything... What was that show called? It was on Fox... 'Meet John Doe'?"
Me: "Just 'John Doe'"
Mom: "Huh?"
Me: "Not 'Meet John Doe'. 'John Doe'"
My sister "Oh my God! That would be the best reality TV show EVER. 'Meet John Doe': A beautiful woman gets 14 profiles of different guys to pick one to have dinner with. The twist is: They're all dead!"

-I've been begging my sister to post this story on her LJ and she keeps putting it off, so I'll do it. My family is seriously warped, but in a good way.