What would you do for money, honey?
Submitted by Saint on Fri, 01/07/2005 - 12:46am. Funny
"Dude, the only way I would order it would be with the foil on the side, and the caviar shoved up the chef's ass, 'cause I am not eating fish eggs on my fucking ice cream."
"With one of those black cards, you could probably pay the maitre d' to do that."

--Two guys kicking through the snow in the alley behind my house. Cortez, CO.

In a (I think) related note, my wife and I got cable TV hooked up last week. This is the first time in my life I can watch VH1, Comedy Central (Drawn Together! Yay!), etc, in my own home. A long-standing Crue fan (basically, ever since I discovered there was more to music than the country crap my parents listened to), I looked in on Remaking Vince Neil. My morbid curiosity was overloaded when I realized he no longer looks like Vince Neil--he looks like Jon Lovitz playing Vince Neil in a sketch about aging rockers. I'm serious. Neil could be Lovitz's long-lost brother. Or maybe it's just me...has anyone else noticed? Or cared? Anyway. I might check in on it again later, to see if the resemblance is still there, if there's nothing else on, which will probably be the case.

/pointless exhausted ramble.
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Anne Onymous
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