On the Road
Submitted by Saint on Sat, 10/23/2004 - 11:25pm. Other
A license plate: "AWWNUTS"

A car with a home-printed bumper sticker: "Somewhere in Texas a Village is Missing It's Idiot"; beneath, written in felt tip, someone had added "But we still have our's."

"It's a little racier than I remember it."
"No, and then, like, they put lips on the dick and it started singing..."
--the guy on my right, remarking on Les Miserables during intermission, and my wife on my left, telling her mom about the god-awful porn we saw in the hotel room before going to the theater.
Popejoy Hall, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

"Oh my God! It's a chocolate dildo!"
"It's huge!.... I wonder where she got the mold."
--a couple of older ladies browsing at The Candy Lady in Old Town. Albuquerque, NM.

"I can get most of this stuff at Safeway."
"You can't get seaweed at Safeway. And what about the sugary squid snacks? Oooh, and Inca Kola. 'The Golden Cola.' Snazzy, eh?"
"Okay, well, I can get most everything I actually want from Safeway."
--an older man and a young woman browsing the isles at Ta Lin World Food Market, Albuquerque, NM.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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