What a drag....
Submitted by Valleybug on Mon, 11/03/2003 - 9:21am. Funny
"I'd be happy to have a fag everyday for the rest of my life"

~Said by my Health psychology Professor

what my memory temporarily lapsed was, fag in the UK means cigarette. And they say we speak the same language. Was pretty funny to see an otherwise proper lady say that to a class full of students.
Scarred for life
Submitted by Valleybug on Fri, 10/31/2003 - 11:24am. Bizarre
"I bet she's just coming so she can show off her penis shaped scar."

A guy to two other guys at the table

~Heard while walking into the common kitchen on my dorm floor.
Seen but I'm not sure if I was hallucinating
Submitted by Valleybug on Thu, 10/30/2003 - 3:26am. Bizarre
A girl of about 20 wearing extremely baggy(i'm talking huge) khaki pants with a hawaiin print miniskirt over the top, puffy blue tennis shoes, large fake fur jacket in hot pink, and a scarf in hunters orange, and to top the outfit off a giant red M&M handbag with legs.

~seen on the 82A bus last night. I tried not to stare.
The absurdity of clothes
Submitted by Valleybug on Thu, 10/23/2003 - 6:19am. Um...
Protest Naked

~sticker seen on a lampost at my uni

leads me to wonder...are we protesting being naked? or simply protesting naked.
Submitted by Valleybug on Mon, 10/20/2003 - 1:57pm. Funny
Girl 1- So I saw this sign outside my dorm, it said support bush in The War Against Terror. If found it funny because it spelled it out as T.W.A.T
Girl 2- Twat? whats twat?
Girl 3- Its umm...its a C-O-U-N-T.
Girl 1- *laughing* no its not.
Girl 2- A count?
Girl 1- Take out the O.
The Germans are....
Submitted by Valleybug on Mon, 10/20/2003 - 10:29am. Funny
"We Germans are very peaceful people, we don't believe in the war against terror. We aren't violent, well except that one time"

~said by a german exchange student at my uni.