Recurring theme
Submitted by steff on Sat, 01/03/2004 - 9:34am. Tragic
the first part of this ensemble occurred quite a while ago as an exchange between my sister and i. in itself, not that interesting... until i heard the second part this morning. it nearly made it into the "funny" category by virtue of the unintentional smackdown at the end. heh.

both happened in response to the opening line of a sugar ray song: "pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street".

intelligirly: "you know, that's sort of you."
me: "awwww! you think i'm pretty??"
intelligirly: "uh... *exasperated pause* you're kind of missing the point."

then, this morning, after hearing that same line in a restaurant...

girl 1: "i'm sorry, but that's exactly you and jim."
girl 2: "oh, that's so sweet! but i'm not pretty."
girl 1: "... ok, listen, everyone wants to BE you! nobody wants to be your boyfriend."
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*twitch* It's NOT a Sugar Ray
Posted by spyderqueen on Mon, 01/05/2004 - 2:51pm.
*twitch* It's NOT a Sugar Ray song! It's a Joe Jackson song!

I hate when everyone knows the covers and not the originals....
Accepting my flogging...
Posted by steff on Mon, 01/05/2004 - 8:53pm.
ok, yes, i KNEW that, but A: i'm speaking to the masses (albeit far more culturally advanced than your average mass) and B: it was, in fact, the sugar ray version that sparked both comments. since, you know, that's the one every station in the world has been playing over and over and over.

...and over...

still, accept my abject apologies for not specifying. and, say, that's a LOVELY facial tic you've got there. *grin*
The rant wasn't really direct
Posted by spyderqueen on Tue, 01/06/2004 - 7:43am.
The rant wasn't really directed at you. Just at the world in general.

And thanks, I've been perfecting it over the years.
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