Submitted by Hunter on Thu, 10/16/2003 - 10:56pm. Funny
"Old English rocks my socks."

"My mom got me new socks over break! I was so happy."

"The Sox kicked ass last night."

--3 girls in my Old Norse class
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Old Norse???
Posted by ParU on Sat, 10/18/2003 - 5:43pm.
You have an Old Norse class?? Where do you go to school? Iceland?
New York, actually...I go to
Posted by Hunter on Mon, 10/20/2003 - 9:06pm.
New York, actually...I go to Cornell. The instructor's from Iceland, though!
Posted by Jon on Tue, 10/21/2003 - 7:40am.
Since I was a Latin major in college, I'm always appreciative of those taking other ancient languages.
I knew someone who took an Old English class, which apparently has some similarities to Norse languages.
I'm taking Old English, too.
Posted by Hunter on Tue, 10/21/2003 - 8:49pm.
I'm taking Old English, too. ^_^ They're both Germanic languages from the same period, so there are a lot of similarities.

I took three years of Latin in junior high, and then switched to Spanish in high school. I really want to get back to Latin, but I was afraid to take it here as a freshman, and it's really too late for me to start the classes now--I'm a senior, and there are too many other things I need to take. I'll have to try summer courses...I really miss it!
So jealous....
Posted by spyderqueen on Wed, 10/22/2003 - 6:46am.
All I got to do was take a Historical/Comparative Linguistics class. One week for each Germanic language.

I'd have LOVED to take a class in Old English. Old English r0x0rz. (although Gothic is cooler)
Oh yeah!
Posted by persona on Fri, 10/17/2003 - 5:21am.
I used to have this weird sock obsesion... all i wanted for christmans and my birthday were novelty socks, i loved em... But it was during my middle school years and i got ridiculed immensly by a certain group of my peers, so lets just say my little obsesion didn't last that long! i still get a twinge when i see the racks of novelty socks at J.C. Penny :)
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