Book Burn
Submitted by Apple on Wed, 12/08/2004 - 7:19pm. Funny
"What is this book doing in my crafts?"
"Um, I don't know."
"Throw it in the box with your soldering iron."
"But, that's the box I'm throwing out. Somewhere in a cold dark lonely corner, Intelligirly is crying."

Me and Mr Man discussing why a book was in my crafts box. To be fair, it was a book I never intended to read, and I seriously have no idea how it got in that box. Please, Intelligirly, don't cry. I took it to the local book exchange, and it lived to be read another day. *G*
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Truth, fiction, and all that
Posted by Intelligirly on Thu, 12/09/2004 - 7:30am.
First I noticed my name and wondered why I was crying. Then I actually read a quote and a small, inarticulate cry of horror escaped my throat...really. My co-workers are looking at me funnily. I was going to have to beat you for not giving it to me at Christmas. But now I'm okay.

Forget me becoming crazy old cat lady--I'm going to be the crazy old book lady. My home will be overrun with all the stray books no one wants. Children will tug at their parents sleeves, asking why that lady smells like ink and book mold. My neighbors will be annoyed at the constant cacophony of books falling to the floor and heavy boxes being dumped at my door by the irresponsible book owners who don't want their books anymore because they stopped being "cute."

and I shall be Soooooooo happy.

Oh, have a book exchange? I know where we're going when I see you in less than three weeks. *GRIN*
Crazy cats and books
Posted by Jon on Fri, 12/10/2004 - 8:47am.
Cats and books go well together. My parents' cat has a great way of reading books and newspapers... he sits on them. A mother's "eyes in the back of her head" has nothing on that!

On a (vaguely) related note, my mom has started the [family name] Lending Library. Lately I've borrowed the most recent Jasper Fforde book, The Da Vinci Code, and a fictionalized account of what happened in Pompeii.
Convincing her to read books I have suggested has been more of a challenge.
Eau d'Bookworm
Posted by Mike on Thu, 12/09/2004 - 10:48am.
Children will tug at their parents sleeves, asking why that lady smells like ink and book mold.

Library smell. Somebody should bottle it.
Posted by steff on Thu, 12/09/2004 - 9:29pm.
if libraries smell like anything besides (well, in addition to) new and old books, they should smell like leather and coffee.

i will not mention that other effect the library smell has, i will not mention that other effect the library smell has, i will not mention that other effect...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 12/10/2004 - 7:21am.
If they were really sticklers for accuracy some bottles would contain a pungent whiff of homeless guy: alcohol and week-old B.O. Guess I shouldn't complain. It gets cold outside.

I was wandering past a college bookstore a few years back when I saw a sign announcing that they were having a sale. Old and discontinued books, $1 each! All you can carry away! I just happened to have about sixty bucks on me. Long story short, I damn near threw my back out dragging those things home and had to stay in bed for a few days. I did have a lot to read though so it was okay.

Internal monologue at the time: "Quantum physics? WHY am I buying a textbook about quantum physics?"
"...Because I can. Mwa ha ha haa!"

Acquiring fresh books can make you quite loopy. Maybe it's a power thing?
Posted by steff on Fri, 12/10/2004 - 10:20am.
heh. you have the sickness as well. i only have a few textbooks (really), but i have more than a few books that i acquired solely because something about them amused me... or, because i could. all quantum physics books were, of course, acquired on purpose.

i can beat you. the last books i picked up were free, and the ones before that were $1 a bag. =P

maybe a power thing; definitely an addiction thing.
Posted by steff on Wed, 12/08/2004 - 9:26pm.
fragrant, that is. i love it when people i know/am related to make it into the local folklore. hee.

uh. what book was it? just, you know, out of the most idle curiosity.
Posted by Jon on Thu, 12/09/2004 - 6:54am.
Please let it have been "Farenheit 451", that would have been wonderfully ironic...
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