11 June 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 06/11/2000 - 10:40pm. Other
"I'd like roast beef and to-mah-to on wheat, please."
--Man with a heavy British accent at the Andronico's deli

"Roast beef-endomato? We don't got that."
--A dubious deli employee

"Oh come on, surely you have... er, if I asked you for roast beef and toe-MAY-toes, would that settle the matter?"
--Man #1, attempting an Americanized pronunciation
When in Rome... order your sandwiches in Roman if the deli clerks look dim.
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Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 09/04/2001 - 2:57pm.
Archived comment by Viki:
Sure you can! I had a ten-minute conversation in Latin queuing for the ladies' loos at the Roman baths in Bath (England). Just as we were getting to the issue of whether Quintus could be held culpable for the unfortunate demise of Barbillus, we got to the front of the line.
Oh, but we were talking about sandwiches. Latin scholars are like that, you see, totally irrelevant.

(PS. There's no such language as Roman).
Posted by Jon on Tue, 12/14/2004 - 12:17pm.
I seem to remember there's a language called Romansch (I can't remember the proper spelling).
Or maybe that was a salad dressing. I'm easily confused.
Posted by hypoxic on Sun, 05/08/2005 - 8:46pm.
Though I'm not sure about the spelling of it. Romansch is one of the Latin derived languages.
Romansch... would that be the
Posted by S_Kat on Fri, 05/06/2005 - 11:28pm.
Romansch... would that be the language to pick up someone in a bar after midnight?
Or before
Posted by Jon on Mon, 05/09/2005 - 5:32am.
Seeing the drunk guy loudly and obnoxiously flirting with his 'ladyfriend' at a restaurant yesterday, when everyone else was having a nice Mother's Day dinner...
*He* was speaking (slurring) Romansch.

(Quotes for 'ladyfriend' because she was dressed like a high-cost escort)

- My mind is in the gutter, but it keeps out the bad weather.
Posted by Somnambulist on Fri, 05/06/2005 - 6:03pm.
The Gypsies have a language called Romany. Is that what you're thinking of?
Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 02/05/2001 - 1:01pm.
Archived comment by Dolmena:
I don't think you can order sandwiches in Latin.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Sun, 12/24/2000 - 12:16pm.
Archived comment by Ellie:
"Only in America" springs to mind
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