Your call is important to us...
Posted by Jon on Wed, 01/05/2005 - 10:25am.
Geez, I'm on the spot now...
So I'll pick one that involves me, since I am selfish like that.

Ok, if intelligirly comes by again, you may hear me mention "my vwife". At one time, someone suspected that we were really the same person, as we share some common interests. (Language studies, theater, others)
At first, we were each other dopplegangers. (Myth of Germanic provenance, for spirits/creatures that look exactly like oneself.)

At one point, someone had the idea that we were "virtually married" - I can't remember exactly how that came about. It may have been my idea, which would explain why it is nonsensical. So, from "virtual wife", I abbreviated it to "vwife".

The other folks may remember better tidbits.
Or, there's always CITYBagel. :)
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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