Posted by Matt on Sun, 02/06/2005 - 12:37am.
I totally agree. And anyone who's been around here for a while knows how I feel about organized religion, regardless of the form it takes.

It's a bit extreme, but I still like the spirit behind the bumper sticker, "Jesus, please save me from your followers."

On the general subject of religion, here's something I find odd.
In Iran, the bigger the city is, the more... adamant, I suppose, the people tend to be about following the tenets of their (official) religion. When you get deep into the countryside, among the nomadic and semi-nomadic people, you'll find women who never cover their face and wear brightly-colored clothing and pray in the same tent as men, plus they feel free to make carpets that are more obviously iconographic than one might expect.

In the United States, it's the opposite. The bigger the city is, the less likely you are to find people who are adamant about the unofficial (yet dominant) religion of its people. I've met a lot of "recovering Catholics," atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and aspiring yogis, but very few passionately Christian people. The more one ventures into (for lack of a better word) the countryside, the more likely one is to find people who, for instance, believe the Earth is 6000 years old and there was no such thing as rain before a supreme creator brought 40 days and nights of it and flooded the entire Earth. (There are many people, including my maternal grandmother, who believe that, prior to The Great Flood, the Earth received all its moisture from a chronic, low-lying fog.)

I just find the polar contrast really interesting.
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Anne Onymous
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