Posted by barb on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 10:01pm.
yeah... made me a little pre-nostalgic, if you could understand that. I liked your story about your daughter calling the lights, "nah." Reminds me of some of the cute things my kids have done. Here's a funny one for ya:

Aaron was a little more than 2 years old when he got the chicken pops (his word). I was standing on a stool, changing a light in the kitchen and he said, "Be safe, mommy." I said, "I'm standing on the stool so I can reach the light." A little while later, I was putting calamine lotion on the chicken pops on his back and he said, "Me do it." I said, "But you can't reach these." He walked right over to that stool and climbed on up... in order to better reach them, of course!

~ Barb
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